Online Stores With Joomla And WordPress

Online Stores : Starting at the beginning, comment that these programs are commonly known as Content Managers or CMS (Content Management System). They are not exactly like the normal programs that we install on our PC, but they work in a very similar way and the concept works perfectly for us.
All of them are to be installed on a web server, that is, in a hosting or accommodation (a hosting is basically a piece of hard disk of a computer connected to the Internet, which is offered to you – upon payment – by one of the hosting companies already known, such as ProfesionalHosting, Dinahosting, Sync, Arsys, etc).
In that bit of hard drive you can install the CMS and from the base installation, start creating your empire just like Recio, the seafood empire (in another post I will talk about how to install Joomla or WordPress)
Table of Contents
The Core, Plugins, Modules And Widgets
All these CMS are “the base” that yes or if you must install. To this “base”, normally called the core or heart of the system, mini-programs can be added to extend its options, in the same way that a car can be fitted with a roof rack, a tow ball or a pine air freshener.
In Joomla, these mini-programs are called Components . Additionally, there are also Joomla Modules , which are “boxes” in which things are displayed, on certain web sites (a component can have modules to display the data it outputs, but a module cannot have components, likewise way that a computer can have several screens to show what it does, but a screen does not serve as a computer; it is only a “display of things”).
Finally, in Joomla there are the Plugins, which are just a few lines of code to do a very specific thing, such as installing the Analytics code on the web (something that can be done by hand, but it is more comfortable to click- click a button, so that we are going to fool ourselves!
In WordPress, we have Plugins, which are like Joomla components, and Widgets, which are like modules.
To comment in passing that Joomla is specialized in the creation of corporate websites and WordPress is more focused on blogs and periodicals. It doesn’t mean that you can’t do the other with one but if you have a broom, it’s best to use it to sweep and not as a remote control for the TV, right? 😉
Once both are installed, we already have the base to start
Stores For Joomla
Virtuemart is the most popular e-commerce component (mini-program) for Joomla. It is really powerful, configurable and can be adapted to almost anything you might need. It has a good “product sheet” section, it allows multiple payment methods that are easily installed with a couple of clicks and it also has one thing that confused me a lot at first… but I find it brilliant: a visual editor of the shopping cart process, so that by dragging and dropping, you can shorten or lengthen the usual 5 steps of the cart, according to your needs.
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