Marketing Techniques To Cause Impulse Buying

Marketing Techniques To Cause Impulse Buying : The customer who queues at the store to pay for his purchase reviews what items he may have forgotten looks impatiently at how the previous customer’s products are progressing… and adds some batteries to his cart that he picks up right there, remembers that he needs spare parts for his razor shaving when he sees them in front of him and grabs some chewing gum from the display case to his right. This is impulse buying. A last-minute decision that the consumer makes without thinking and that marketers try to promote at the point of sale.
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Emotions At Play
65% of purchase decisions occur at the point of sale and four out of ten people admit that they spend more than initially expected. But, without a doubt, the most striking data corresponds to the fact that 29% of purchases (one in three) are made on impulse (the customer buys and then looks for reasons to justify that expense).
The strategy that supports this seduction will appeal to the values associated with the products. The behavior of the product no longer commands, but rather what the brand says about itself.
The Selling Point: The Moment of Truth. Undoubtedly, advertising at the point of sale is the most effective way to activate impulse buying. An attractive global strategy. Value is not only created through communication but also with strategic reflection behind it.
This Influences The Consumer
Seduction is the way, but the difficulty arises when it comes to determining how this work is approached. Some of the main strategic lines from which you can try to encourage emotional buying are:
Connect with reality
The product must provide what the emotion promises, but it must also fulfill its objective function. For example, Swatch watches base their success on design, but also on quality technology.
Brand image
Any parent will take their children to see the latest Disney movie without worrying about knowing the plot first. He knows it will be suitable because the company represents family values. In the same way, any brand that represents certain values finds the ground paid for the purchase of its new products.
Ideal worlds
Advertising does not seek to reflect the world as it is, but as we would ideally like it to be. The kitchen that is polished with the cleaner on duty is immensely larger than ours, but the consumer prefers ‘deception’ to the pure and hard reality.
sexual references
The consumer reacts instinctively by identifying himself with erotic situations that, very possibly, he would like to experience.
The efforts of creatives to collect surprising quips are a reflection of the success of humor in advertising. The psychological mechanism that is put into play is clear: a product that is nice is more likely to end up in the shopping cart.
Promotions: the attractive power of ‘bargains’
Promotional marketing is fundamentally based on price, a fundamental element of impulse buying. They will work well as long as a perception of discount is created.
Refund promise
It is about paying an amount to consumers who send proof of purchase. The voucher is also used, which can only be cashed in on a future purchase. It has a high response rate and is very effective as a tool to build customer loyalty.
Conditioning the direct delivery (without raffles) of a gift to the purchase of a product always attracts the consumer. It is more profitable to deliver the gift after sending proof of purchase. In addition, by limiting the number of customers participating in the promotion, the value of the gift can be increased.
It is one of the most conventional promotion techniques, although lately, they have lost effectiveness due to saturation. For them to work as an impulse buying mechanism they must be fun . Otherwise, they will not consider participating. Other important factors are the endowment of the prizes, determining the type of public to which we are addressing (which will condition the type of tests that are proposed), the regulations by which they will be governed, etc.
You to you has always been the best impulse sales strategy. If we add to this tactic the commitment that is created by offering something for nothing, the chances of success increase.
Point of sale
All work of seduction finds a scenario that tests its effectiveness: the point of sale. It is the moment of truth in the impulse buying process.
Product location
The placement at the head of the aisle, next to the boxes, or in gondolas determines the greater or lesser visibility of the brands. Its placement on each shelf also influences it. From the customer’s point of view, there are four levels on a common shelf: the upper one (eyes), also called the perception level, since its objective is to attract and retain the consumer’s attention; the medium level (hands), with a more comfortable reach for the buyer; the lower one (floor), which is not very effective because the customer has to bend down to pick up the product, and the extra upper level (head), which is not intended to be used for selling, since it is out of the consumer’s reach.
A business without an audience does not invite you to enter it, although crowds can also be harmful. To achieve the desired animation, physical means are used such as gondola headers, where the products offered rotate; the islands, located outside the linear and without contact with other products; the stacks, made with large products or those that allow easy stacking (their success is based on the fact that they generate sensations of reduced prices), or the messy containers, with cheap products that the customer feels attracted.