Cloud Communications, A Great Investment Opportunity

Cloud Communications : The advantages of digitization are today an objective reality that helps boost the growth of companies’ businesses while allowing the reduction of operating and investment costs. Cloud communications are one of the strategies with the most relevant benefits for many companies.
Digitization has arrived, and it is here to stay. This is a phrase that resonates in the market but not only in the technological ones but in all the companies that have an IT area to manage a large part of the aspects of their business. In fact, between 80-90% of companies recognize that the digital transformation of their businesses in the medium term is going to be great and that digitization is the best weapon to adapt and evolve, in addition to reducing costs.
Communications services must be adapted to the digitization needs of each business, which is why experts see new specialization opportunities for communications operators in the different sectors of the industry in this transformation process and greater market fragmentation.
Table of Contents
The Switchboard Is In The Cloud
Communications in the cloud are one of the technologies that make this digitization possible, a sector in which Voz Telecom has a lot to say and contribute, more specifically to the switchboard in the cloud. It is an application for intelligent management of telephone calls through the Internet; something like a “super receptionist” who answers all the calls your company receives as if you had an entire call center at your disposal.
PBX Business In The Cloud voztelecom
The virtual switchboard is the main bet of the VozTelecom company’s business, a market segment that is growing significantly not only in Spain but throughout Europe. In fact, in our country, these services already reach 5% penetration while in other neighboring nations it is already over 10% and even in some like the Netherlands, 20%.
Investment Strategies
Since 2017, VozTelecom has expanded its commercial capillarity through its distribution channel and the implementation of specialized Service Points in its offer. The rest of the provinces are commercially developed through a network of distributors and prescribers”, explains its CEO.
At the moment, its business is focused on the national sphere and its current strategic plan does not contemplate the opening of new markets, “because our priority now is to grow in Spain and consolidate a very fragmented sector of communications operators for the business segment “.
VozTelecom is not targeting the residential market, which is the priority of the ‘big’ companies such as Movistar or Vodafone.
Master Investment Strategies
Increasing shareholder value is also one of the main objectives of VozTelecom, which has risen sharply on the stock market last September. As a result, there has been a greater demand for the company’s securities, with new shareholders entering the capital, which has identified the value of VozTelecom as a good investment opportunity in the medium term”.
At beginning of an upward trend right now, as the company is at the beginning of a growth stage, improved profitability, and increased market penetration at this time, and after Masmovil ‘s move to the Continuum, there are only three companies left in the telecommunications sector on the MAB, all three with different business models and strategies, which is the only one that directs its offer at a national level to the business segment, in a market with strong growth such as that of cloud communications.