The Applications You Need For Your New Smart TV

When you go from an old TV to a Smart TV , obviously the viewing options multiply . There is a huge universe around Android TV , and through this Guide , we will tell you what applications you need for your new Smart TV.
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Offers That Are Not On Television
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In a previous article, we have told you which are the best applications to listen to the radio on your mobile.
Now it’s time to share ideas related to Apps compatible with Smart TVs . You can install them on your Android smartphone , so that your TV is a real entertainment center .
What Are The Best Applications To Take Advantage Of Your Smart TV
To prepare the following list, we have decided to leave aside such popular applications as Netflix or Spotify .
And we will focus on others that are a little less known , but equally interesting.
It is an application that many people use, both on their Smart TV or Android TV Box. KODI can be used as a local and streaming media player as well .
It is a truly very powerful App , which allows you to do practically everything thanks to its add-ons. This tool allows you to use Retroplayer , which is an exclusive function with which you can install various emulators for classic consoles, such as Super Nintendo, Mame. Mega drive etc.
You can also add the corresponding ROMs using a flash drive, or connect a gamepad to the TV via Bluetooth.
Pluto tv
In the world of alternative streaming platforms, Pluto TV is one of a kind , and you have to use it for your Smart TV. It is a service that can be free for live television , and also on demand, with a multitude of thematic channels.
Pluto TV includes movie channels, cooking channels, series channels, MTV channels , and there’s even a channel dedicated exclusively to SpongeBob SquarePants.
As far as the tool is concerned, it is true that its content differs from country to country. While in the United States there are already more than 100 channels , for now in Spain we only have 50 but it is quite worth it!
Among the recommended applications for Smart TV, Keep is another great option . It is a tool that allows you to exercise at home in the most practical way, being compatible with Android TV . You can transfer it to your television, and in this way save yourself the inconvenience of constantly looking at your mobile.
The application can use an infinity of programs and different routines , with which you will be able to work different parts of your body . In addition to being free , it has an excellent rating from its entire community.
It could be defined as the Spotify of radio stations .
Tuneln Radio is an excellent application to listen to streaming music , but in addition to that, it offers you content that can be distributed in different themes , including news channels, podcasts, local radio stations, and even sports stations.
Thanks to this tool, you will be able to discover new radio programs , just by entering the trends section, or listen to stations from other parts of the world .
It is another of the streaming services compatible with Smart TV . But in this case, FITE is focused on lovers of boxing, professional wrestling and MMA .
The possibilities of the platform are varied, such as the case of broadcasting content live and also on demand , since some events are paid for.
You should consider it as an excellent semi-free alternative to other Premium platforms such as DAZN.
Steam link
If you are a true lover of the gaming world and have a good Internet connection, you cannot miss this App .
Thanks to Steam Link you will be able to link your Android TV with your PC , and play your games directly by projecting them on the TV screen.
It is a service that works spectacularly well, as long as you have a stable Wi-Fi signal.
Right, you know the famous TED talks ?
Obviously, to give one of these talks you have to be a scholar or expert on some subject , but you are always able to listen to them and learn from some of the brightest minds on this planet.
Thanks to this App, you can have at your fingertips more than 3,000 inspiring talks, in which subtitles are included (since most of the content is in English).
The talks, in addition, are grouped by different topics , from health or business, even through education, technology, science or psychology. You decide the one you like best !