MARKETING – Web Snipers The Techies Hub Mon, 22 Apr 2024 05:18:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MARKETING – Web Snipers 32 32 Branding 360: Building A Coherent Brand Identity Mon, 22 Apr 2024 05:00:58 +0000 Branding 360: Facing the challenge of achieving brand coherence is an essential quality when it

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Branding 360: Facing the challenge of achieving brand coherence is an essential quality when it comes to building a strong identity and creating lasting connections with audiences.

Building a coherent brand identity is essential for the long-term success of any organization and institution. A strong brand with values ​​is not only capable of attracting potential customers and strengthening the brand perception in their minds, but also of creating a lasting connection with them.

When we talk about brand coherence, we refer to the consistency and uniformity in the way a brand presents itself and communicates in the market and on its channels. To illustrate this concept, let’s consider the following example: if a brand is defined as a reference in terms of sustainability, both its visual identity, its digital communication and the people who work in the organization, among other aspects, must disclose this attribute of the company brand.

The term coherence takes on special importance in the field of “branding”, a concept that defines the process of creating a unique and distinctive identity for a brand. The “Branding 360” approach seeks to create a complete and coherent brand experience in all possible dimensions, whether on a visual, emotional, cultural, digital or physical level.

Today, maintaining consistency in branding strategy across all channels and customer touch points is a challenge for many companies.

Do you want to build a coherent brand identity? Below we list the steps you should follow to achieve this.

Understand Your Brand

To build  branding 360, you have to start by defining your brand. This process involves identifying and clearly describing the essential elements that make it up, from the most superficial aspects to the essence and meaning of the brand.

How am I? What is my purpose? What are my values? What can I offer? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before delving into the strategic aspects. You must remember that in the end, this will be the basis of any action and decision that is going to be undertaken in the company.

Along these lines, in the definition phase, you should also identify the target audience or audience that you want to impact, and understand their desires and needs to resolve them.

Create A Brand Strategy

The strategy must reflect the values, mission, vision and objectives of the brand, and must define its personality, market positioning and differential value proposition.

It is important to be as precise as possible and look for those competitive advantages that could turn us into a differentiated and unique brand that allows us to position ourselves as leaders in the market or professional sector in which we operate.

Design The Visual Identity

Referring to the famous phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words”, the way a brand is displayed says a lot about it. In addition to being the first impact that the consumer receives, it must be attractive and representative enough to convey an emotion and generate a memory.

The visual identity must represent the brand’s way of being, whether through color, typography, logo or a memorable slogan.

Develop Brand Tone And Customer Experience

Do I want to be funnier or more serious? More professional or friendlier? Before starting to communicate with your target audience, it is important to define the way in which you want to transmit your messages through the different channels that you are going to use to attract your audience.

Create communication guidelines that establish how the brand addresses its audience in different situations: from facing a crisis or criticism, to responding to a client or announcing some new information about the organization.

It’s also essential to train teams to reflect brand values ​​and personality in customer interactions. This can also be carried out by activating a brand ambassador strategy or a digital spokesperson program in parallel.

Create Consistent Content And Maintain Consistency Across All Channels

Make sure that all the content you produce, whether on your website, social networks, and blog or offline resources, follows the voice and brand tone guidelines that you have previously defined.

Maintain the same language and the same line of writing in the messages and make sure that they support the brand strategy.

Brand identity must be applied consistently in online and offline formats. This includes social media profiles, marketing materials, packaging and much more.

Constantly Evaluate And Adjust

Building a coherent brand identity is an ongoing process, so it is important to regularly evaluate how your brand is being perceived and make appropriate adjustments and changes to your branding strategy.

Listen to customer feedback and adapt your strategy to their needs and comments.

Be Authentic And Transparent

Establishing a solid brand identity requires authenticity. Always keep your promises and act in accordance with your brand values. Be transparent in your communications and don’t try to be something you are not.

Apple, A Master Of Consistency

The king of technology is an example of how a strong and consistent brand identity can contribute to the success of a company. The brand has managed to maintain its essence and values ​​in recent decades, which has consolidated its position in the technology industry and generated an emotional connection with its customers.

With a bitten apple, a minimalist aesthetic, modern, professional and technological colors, emblematic stores and exceptional customer service, Apple has managed to convey its identity in all aspects of its brand.

Building a cohesive brand identity takes time and effort, but it is essential to building a strong base of loyal customers and succeeding in a competitive market. Consistency in brand identity builds trust and establishes an emotional connection with your audience.

Also read : Efficient Advertising Campaign

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Main Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing Tue, 16 Apr 2024 05:21:20 +0000 The use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing is increasingly common, as well as related sciences

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The use of Artificial Intelligence in marketing is increasingly common, as well as related sciences (deep learning, machine learning, and predictive analysis) and in the future it will be increasingly important to make decisions based on data.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows machines to imitate and even improve some “cognitive” functions that humans use to “perceive,” “reason,” “learn,” and “solve problems.”

The very prominent definition of AI was that of John McCarthy , who together with Marvin Minsky, created the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. In 1956 he spoke of the term as: “a world in which machines will be able to solve the types of problems that were reserved for human beings.”

Artificial Intelligence In Marketing: Most Common Applications

Content creation

In marketing, there are numerous Artificial Intelligence tools to create personalized content adapted to each audience, since they can take into account variables such as browsing data or recent searches.

Some examples of AI applications in content generation marketing applications:

  • Articoolo: A platform that generates content from scratch or rewrites something from any proposed topic, quickly.
  • Concured: This program distributes pre-existing content in an intelligent manner based on audience desire.
  • Phrasee: A platform that generates content for social networks, emails and push notifications.
  • Lumen5: It is a platform for generating audiovisual content from already existing content.
  • Doofinder: Internal search engine in ecommerce, which allows users to find what they are looking for more quickly and efficiently.

Content Suggestions

Content filtering allows others to be suggested taking into account the user’s tastes and preferences.

Through the application of Artificial Intelligence in the creation of content, different types of content can be filtered and optimized so that each client has a particular and unique experience with respect to the message they receive. Once all customer data has been collected and analyzed using artificial intelligence, without human involvement you can generate personalized content, gather information and even create new content from it.

Of course, it is necessary to create valuable content and AI is a great ally for this, since it can automatically select the content of greatest importance to the user and focus on it.

With all this, the task of creating and planning content and strategies is much easier. Identifying each of them is the main task of Artificial Intelligence within content marketing , so that it is truly personalized, achieving more interactions and therefore greater sales.

Email Marketing And Marketing Automation

Sending emails to a contact database and marketing automation are processes that use different technological platforms and programs in order to automate the different marketing stages.

Marketing deals with interactions between companies and people, and its role is to help achieve business objectives by creating an increasingly intelligent, safe and fluid customer experience, thereby achieving benefits for companies.

AI has allowed professionals to develop new techniques to design marketing campaigns, personalizing promotional campaigns, better segmenting different user data, improving customer satisfaction…

Therefore, the advantages that can be named of marketing automation with Artificial Intelligence are:

  • Which allows you to centralize and make available various information.
  • Greater efficiency
  • Personalize the conversation (allow you to collect and analyze a wide variety and amount of customer data)
  • Campaign optimization (external user data, internal data and third party data)
  • Increases customer loyalty (competition is unquestionable and the development of social networks has made the fight to retain customers even stronger)
  • Optimal organizational processes (rapid access to real data from your clients)
  • Save of time and money

On the other hand, in a marketing strategy, to make it as natural as possible, different types of capabilities need to be enhanced:

  • Analytics (which is surpassed by AI thanks to the computational capabilities of machines).
  • Creative (it is the most complicated to simulate by AI, because it is the capacity that the person develops the most).
  • Technological (develops marketing and sales actions, in a personalized and automated way. And this field will be fully equipped with Artificial Intelligence).

Improved Search Experience

The use of this AI technology to interact through virtual assistants, as is already known, is applied to internet search by voice, as a new way of browsing the internet, without needing to write using a keyboard.

A very useful way to apply it within content marketing is by adding these virtual assistants to provide immediate response to users, since they have changed the way they search for information or browse the Internet, with wireless options and voice commands.

SEO is extremely important in content marketing, so today it is essential that companies join these search strategies through technologies like this to stay on trend.

Digital Advertising

The advertising platforms Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter already use machine learning to better segment campaigns and achieve greater conversion. Digital advertising is the area of ​​digital marketing that has most adopted AI-based tools.

Although cookies are going to disappear, Artificial Intelligence will continue to drive digital advertising with predictive analysis to identify users and groups of users based on behaviors and interests. Google will launch the FLOC project, to identify users in groups (called cohorts) with common interests, based on their behavior and interaction.

Some examples of Digital Advertising Artificial Intelligence applications are:

Adext, to optimize campaigns on Google and Facebook

Albert, to automate and optimize the performance of campaigns on Google, Social Ads and programmatic advertising.

Exod, to automate Facebook Ads campaigns.

Large corporations have already been ahead for a few years, implementing custom-made applications that use Artificial Intelligence, using the services of large cloud technology platforms for companies, such as Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Amazon AWS, Alibaba Cloud and Oracle Cloud.

Response Automation (chatbots)

Programmatic advertising makes use of Artificial Intelligence using cookies, chatbots and deep learning techniques to access information from multiple sources, applications and channels to serve advertising in the most personalized way possible, according to audience demand.

For a few years now, it has been possible to use virtual assistants through voice commands, thanks to Artificial Intelligence. This is applied so that they can not only understand the user’s order, but also analyze and respond coherently to what the user needs. Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa are one of the most used among users

However, its application and the lesser need for human beings in certain strategies has created fear that it could soon replace them and significantly reduce jobs. But this is not really the case, AI must be taken as a very effective help at work to save time, searches, analysis and work.

User Experience (UX)

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that is currently applied in all sectors, from banking and electronic commerce, to the field of entertainment, online games, shopping, chat, virtual aids… Over the last few years, it has proven to be a technology of great benefits for content marketing. And the user experience is very important so that the user continues browsing, what he sees catches his attention, hooks him, and makes the experience he is having comfortable and easy to carry out.

Although there are many examples of marketing applications with AI, we must not forget that the leading companies in the use of AI in Marketing are the social networks Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and CRM’s such as Salesforce and HubSpot, in the area of ​​predictive analysis. . Closely followed by technology companies that have come out of the screen and launched their own voice assistant: Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana.

Like any technology, AI will lead users to adapt in order to stay within the trends and both content and digital marketing will have to resort to it to generate more effective and successful results.

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Search Types: Transactional,Navigational And Informational Wed, 10 Apr 2024 05:50:43 +0000 Search Types : Internet users often turn to search engines such as Google and Bing

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Search Types : Internet users often turn to search engines such as Google and Bing when they need help navigating the web and finding the websites, information, products or services they are looking for. To perform a search, the user enters a query in the corresponding box, and the search engine uses the entered query to present the most relevant links and information.

However, searches can be divided into several types, which differ from each other depending on the intention of the particular user. In general, there are three main types of search: transactional searches, navigational searches, and informational searches. Based on the query input and its syntax, the majority of current search engines are able to identify the type of search.

Search Types: Detailed Summary

Search engines compete with each other to provide the best user experience, which means ensuring that you are offered the information you are looking for in the most convenient way. In the early days of the Internet, search engines were primarily engaged in providing links to web pages, and users were primarily engaged in finding pages that contained the information they wanted. But that’s not the case now.

Often, users of modern search engines are not searching for a web page, but rather looking for quick answers to a question or a product they can buy. Google, for example, provides featured snippets that offer what its algorithms believe is the best answer to a question, while searching for specific products often returns shopping links. However, to offer this type of experience to the user, the search engine has to try to determine the user’s intent.

To do this, search queries are usually divided into three main types, which are as follows:

  • Transactional – A transactional search query indicates that the user is trying to complete a transaction, that is, purchase a product or pay for a service.”
  • Navigational – A navigational search indicates that the user is searching for a particular website, company, or brand. Often, the Internet user has a clear idea of what he is looking for, but may not know how to get there without the search engine. Some examples are searches for “Textbroker”, “YouTube” or “BBC”.
  • Informative – Finally, an informative search query indicates that the user expects to find information on a specific topic. This can be a search for advice, such as “how to make bread”, or more general information, such as “when was McDonald’s founded?” or “what is the capital of Brazil?”

The biggest challenge for search engines is determining which category a query fits into. Sometimes a search query will have a very apparent intent, like “buy Easter eggs,” which is obviously a transactional search. However, some queries can be much more ambiguous. For example, a search for “apple” can refer to both the fruit and the technology company, and could technically fit into any of the three categories.

It could be an informational search about the company or fruit, it could be a navigational search directed to the Apple Inc. website, or it could be a transactional search for the fruit or Apple products. The search engine’s algorithms will determine what the user’s most likely intent is, based on the format of the query, past user behavior, and any other information or data available.

Transactional Searches

Transactional searches are search queries that indicate a desire to complete a transaction or find transaction-related information. The transaction may be free, such as finding a file to download or a registration form to complete, but most often they are related to financial transactions, such as purchasing products or paying for access to services. Google calls these searches “Do” because they suggest an intention to perform an action.

A transactional search query can literally include a word like “buy” or “acquire” in it, or it can be more general. Likewise, you can include a broad description of a product category, such as “mobile phone,” or a more specific product, such as “iPhone.” To target transactional searches, website owners should use SEO

techniques on product pages. It can also be profitable to invest in sponsored ads and bid on relevant transactional keywords.

Navigation Searches

Browsing searches are performed when a user wants to visit a specific website. They may turn to a search engine if they are not sure of the correct URL to use, if they are not sure how to spell the name of a particular company or brand, or simply for convenience, especially if they have a search engine such as “home” page, or if your browser is set to perform a search automatically when you enter a query in the address bar. Google calls these searches “Go.”

In 2020, the five most popular queries on Google are examples of browsing searches: “Facebook,” “YouTube,” “Amazon,” “Gmail,” and “Google.” In all these cases, the user’s intention is most likely to find a link to the corresponding website. For website owners and marketers, there is no easy way to target browsing search users. Instead, they will need to develop brand recognition so that people want to find their website.

Informational Searches

An informational search is a “Know” query and aims to find information on a specific topic. These searches can take the form of a question, but they can also be generalized queries focused on a specific topic. With this in mind, “how to create a website”, “how to build a website” and “building a website” are examples of informational searches, as they are most likely to be entered when searching for information about creating a website. a website.

Google provides a snippet of information in response to many informational searches, and these results typically come from high-authority websites that have earned backlinks and provide useful information. Therefore, the best way to target informational search users is to create high-quality, useful content that people want to link to, and then use search engine optimization techniques within that content, in order to target to the most relevant keywords.


Search engines try to give users the best possible experience and one of the ways they have evolved to achieve this is by trying to automatically determine user intent. This causes most search queries to be classified into one of three main categories – transactional, navigational or informational – based on the search string itself, its format and the previous behavior of people who have performed a similar search. in the past.

Also read : Chegg Expert Login

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Efficient Advertising Campaign: How To Do One Step By Step? Fri, 05 Apr 2024 05:22:30 +0000 Efficient Advertising Campaign: Making a great advertising campaign is a matter of creativity but, above

The post Efficient Advertising Campaign: How To Do One Step By Step? appeared first on Web Snipers.

Efficient Advertising Campaign: Making a great advertising campaign is a matter of creativity but, above all, of method. When we face the challenge of designing a campaign for a new or regular client, it is essential to have a step-by-step plan that guides us on the path to success.

1) Define The Objectives

There is a magical ingredient behind the best advertising campaigns: communication with the customer. From minute one, we have to actively collaborate to understand what your needs are and how we can help you satisfy them.

In the first step, client and agency must work together to define what the objectives of the campaign are. These goals have to be in accordance with the company’s entire marketing plan, so it is very important that the client provides all the necessary information in this regard.

To know how to design good objectives for our advertising campaigns, we can remember the acronym “SMART”:

  • S for specific. Overly general objectives, such as “improve sales results”, do not serve us well. Each objective must refer to a specific area, for example, “increase the number of leads obtained through Google searches.”
  • M for measurable (measurable). What can’t be measured doesn’t exist in marketing! It is absolutely essential that the objectives have specific metrics associated with them, since only then can we know if we are on the path to achieving them or if we have to change course.
  • A stands for assignable (having a supervisor). In order for the objectives to be met, someone has to be responsible for them. Clearly defining who is in charge of each section will set us on the path to success.
  • R for realistic. A common mistake is setting objectives without taking into account existing resources and limitations. Although it is always positive to aim high, excessive objectives only demoralize the team. It may be advisable to set different ranges of results for the objectives, for example, the minimum, the achievable and the ideal.
  • T for time-bound (with deadline). A good marketing objective is set in time, since it is the only way to monitor and guarantee its fulfillment. Additionally, having deadlines helps organize work and provides motivation for the team.

2) Write The Briefing

After this dialogue between agency and client, the next step is to collect all the relevant information about the campaign in a briefing. At a minimum, this document should contain the following sections:

  • Target: who is this campaign aimed at? As guidance, we can develop a “buyer persona ” that includes the demographic and psychographic aspects of our ideal client, the challenges they face and how our brand can help them overcome them.
  • Product: the purpose of the campaign must be described in detail here, whether it is the launch of a new product or service, a special promotion, a new brand image or any other situation. The agency has to collaborate with the client to understand the characteristics of the product, its weaknesses and its strengths.
  • Market study: that is, how the product or service is framed within the sector and with respect to the competition. There is a wide variety of sources and resources that we can turn to, from public data about the sector to in-depth interviews with target people. In essence, what we are looking for is to make a composition of the place and understand what types of campaigns work best with the target.
  • Timing: the campaign’s important dates (e.g. launch date of the product on the market or the media spot) and the key tasks to be carried out so that the deadlines are met.

3) Prepare The Proposal

With all the information we have gathered in the previous steps, it is time for the agency to get to work on the creative proposal. But in this phase, communication with the client remains essential so that both expectations are aligned.

To begin with, the concept proposal collects the key benefits of the product or service that you want to communicate and translates them into a creative idea for the campaign. From there, both the copies (texts) and the different final arts or graphic elements are created. Of course, interactive components and movies might also be a part of the campaign.

This proposal is taken to the client for final approval. In many cases, the advertiser will request changes to the creative. Once again, it is essential that there is fluid communication between client, agency and creative staff to achieve a final campaign of the highest quality.

4) Prepare The Media Plan

The media plan is a fundamental document for organizing an advertising campaign.

To develop this plan, we must start from the analysis of the target that we have identified in the briefing. Logically, if we want to reach them we must identify the media they consume. As sources of this analysis, we can choose between media audience profile data, sectoral analysis, studies such as the General Media Study, etc.

With this data, we can proceed to select the media that will be part of the campaign’s media mix. We consider aspects such as medium penetration, geographic segmentation, periodicity and formats.

Digital channels will undoubtedly have a substantial, if not exclusive, role in this media approach. We must pay attention to the digital habits of our target, for example, if they carry out online research prior to purchasing or which social networks they use regularly.

5) Start-Up

Time to launch the campaign!

If we have prepared the timing correctly, we will have all the elements ready for the launch with sufficient notice. Even so, it never hurts to do one or more final reviews to ensure that everything is on track at the key moment.

Generally, campaigns are active for a previously determined period and, especially in the case of online actions, we can see the results in real time. To assess campaign development and respond to any unforeseen events, constant communication between the client and the agency is essential.

6) Monitoring And Conclusions

An agency’s work does not end when an advertising campaign is launched. In fact, almost the most important thing remains to do: follow the results.

A set of key performance indicators, or KPIs, is typically established when establishing the goals of an advertising campaign. These are a set of essential measurements that indicate whether or not the campaign’s objectives are being reached.

The agency will establish a series of periodic controls of these KPIs and will communicate them to the client in the form of reports. If the planned objectives are not being reached, it will be necessary to meet to see what is happening and if it is possible to modify any aspect of the campaign.

Examples Of Successful Advertising Campaigns

Now that you know what an efficient advertising campaign looks like and how to do one step by step, here are some successful examples:


Nike was a brand that, initially, was aimed at professional runners, but the interest in playing sports went further, which led the company to launch the famous campaign with the slogan Just Do It and which turned out to be one of the most successful. , since it managed to surpass even its main competitor, Reebok.

Through a motivational slogan that many consumers identified with, Nike managed to connect in a much deeper way with consumers and increase its popularity, which translated into an increase in sales.

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola is another example of a brand that has managed to run successful advertising campaigns, although the most successful was the one in which they put people’s names on their bottles.

This campaign began in Australia, where bottles and cans were personalized with the 150 most popular names in the country. The success was such that the campaign was reaching other countries, since all consumers wanted a bottle or can with their name, but at the same time they were also looking for one that bore the name of a family member, friend or acquaintance.

Absolute Vodka

Absolut Vodka did not have very high sales, so it decided to launch an advertising campaign consisting of more than 1,500 ads in which the characteristic shape of the bottle was the protagonist. Its success was so great that it lasted for 25 years, thus becoming the longest uninterrupted advertising campaign in history.


In 2019, Spotify launched one of its strongest campaigns, Music for every mood, which aimed to capture the attention of the youngest audience. To achieve this, it used irony and used memes as a resource, since the company considered it to be one of the most effective ways to connect with these new generations.

They also placed posters in different cities with very peculiar messages that this audience could identify with in some way or, at the very least, that caught their attention.


Wix is one of those brands that had to change the strategy they were using to reach the audience. It is a cloud-based web development platform that was advertised with quite intrusive ads, which was quite annoying for users.

In order to solve this problem, they launched the campaign Things you would rather do than watch another Wix ad on YouTube, which was very well received by the public, since in addition to showing the audience that they were aware of the inconvenience they were causing, they gave it to be understood that they took it with humor.


Shutterstock, the popular image bank, decided to launch an advertising campaign referring to some of the most popular series of the moment, such as Game of Thrones or Stranger Things.

The result was a complete success, since the message that with stock material, which requires little budget, you can create quality content reached the public without problems.


Volvo turned to the figure of Jean-Claude Van Damme to create an impact advertising campaign. The objective was to increase sales of specialized trucks in autonomous companies and businesses, so they used the actor to attract the attention of the audience. Despite the risk, it was a success, as the content surpassed 100 million views and sales skyrocketed.


Volkswagen launched a campaign in which the message was you think I’m small? Yeah, I’m at a time when consumers preferred big cars. With this message it was clear that they wanted to be honest with the public and managed to capture the attention of those who were looking for sincerity from the brand. So the most important thing about this campaign is not to try to sell something that is not, since consumer’s value sincerity above all.


The giant Google also managed to create an efficient advertising campaign, the Year in Search. This is a report in video form in which the most common searches of the public from the last 12 months appear. This campaign aims to remind the audience of the dependence and importance that Google has on a daily basis, since users use it to search for any type of information.

If anything can be said about this campaign, it is that it sends a direct and clear message to the public.

California Milk Processor Board

The California Milk Processor Board campaign managed to increase the sale of this product by 7% in one year. Although the advertisement was not aimed at people who did not consume milk, the impact it caused increased their consumption. In fact, the advertising was meme fodder, as numerous parodies were made, which made it reach even further.

This is an example of a brand that did not intend to reach a new audience, but rather to remind existing consumers that they were there.


A company like Apple could not be missing from this list, since it ran a humorous campaign simulating a debate between PC and Mac, especially highlighting the advantages of the latter but without being too explicit about it. The tone used was a success, since sales increased by 42% during the first year.

Procter & Gamble

Finally, another of the brands that managed to launch an efficient advertising campaign is Procter & Gamble (P&G). This is a company that has managed to launch successful advertisements on numerous occasions, but in one of them it explained the story behind the story of the Olympic athletes taking advantage of the start of the Olympic Games.

Explaining a story through a product is a resource that, when used well, usually attracts the attention of the public, especially when it awakens a feeling of nostalgia in them.

There are many other brands that have managed to launch efficient advertising campaigns, but we hope that these examples will help you get ideas and create a successful one for your company.

Also read : Search Engine Advertising

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How To Define Sales And Marketing Objectives Quickly And Easily Sat, 30 Mar 2024 05:50:34 +0000 Sales And Marketing Objectives: Increase turnover, increase the number of clients, and expand the portfolio

The post How To Define Sales And Marketing Objectives Quickly And Easily appeared first on Web Snipers.

Sales And Marketing Objectives: Increase turnover, increase the number of clients, and expand the portfolio of products and services… These are some of the most common sales and marketing objectives but they present a main problem: they are not very specific and, in most cases, unrealistic..

If you haven’t heard of SMART goals yet, it is a method that responds to a 5-word acronym:





Time -bound

With these concepts in mind, it will be much faster and easier to draw up real and feasible sales and marketing objectives for the sales and marketing team.

Sales And Marketing Objectives: What Types Exist?

Before setting the objectives of both departments, it is very important that they are aligned.   Uniting the marketing and sales teams in defining objectives will be a decision that will allow you to achieve in a more optimal way that qualified leads become future clients.

Types of sales goals

A company’s sales objectives are always intended to increase sales in a certain period of time. However, this can be achieved in different ways: multiply the number of customers, increase sales of a certain product, retain existing customers, etc.

In this sense, it will be very important to know the different types of sales objectives that exist and which of them we are going to include in our strategic plan.

  • Volume objectives: these are those aimed at selling the maximum amount of products possible, for which margin reduction is usually chosen. This is very common in large consumer companies.
  • Profitability objectives: if the aim is to increase profit margins, we will focus on these types of objectives. One technique in this case is to stop marketing products that provide little benefit to focus on promoting those that generate most of the company’s turnover.
  • Market share objectives: when working in markets that are already very mature, this is usually one of the main objectives, since the aim is to increase the percentage of market penetration by taking it away from the competition.
  • Loyalty objectives: these are intended to strengthen the current customer portfolio, for which techniques such as incentives or improving customer service are used.

It is important to keep in mind that a company’s sales and marketing objectives vary throughout its life cycle. That is, the objectives will not be the same when you are starting out as when it comes to a company that is already established in the market. Nor will the situation be the same when it is planned to launch a new product on the market or increase business with a new line of action, for example. Sales enablement guide

Types of marketing objectives

Marketing actions are assumed to be beneficial for the business, but it is not always clear at what point or how to maximize benefits. At this point it is also important to keep sales objectives in mind so that they align with marketing objectives.

Here we list some of the most common marketing objectives in companies:

  • Improve a good brand reputation: If your brand image is not positive, sales will never be optimal. Achieving a good brand reputation should not only be focused on the customer but also within the company itself. One of the actions that can help us improve our image is to work on two-way communication with our contacts and potential clients to show our concern and attention towards them.
  • Increase the number of clients: Without a doubt, the growth of any company is related to the increase in clients. One of the most important objectives of marketing is to attract new customers by teaching and demonstrating that our solution or product is the most appropriate for their needs and getting them to make their purchasing decision. 3. Build customer loyalty
  • Customer loyalty: a marketing strategy cannot end with attracting new customers but we must go further to create a lasting relationship with our customers.
  • Obtain more, but above all, better sales: knowing our audience well and the concerns and problems of our audience will be key so that the sales we make are of better quality. This objective will be closely linked to sales actions, so that the potential contacts that we send from marketing to sales are qualified.

How To Define Sales And Marketing Objectives

It is important to clearly define the company’s objectives to define the actions to follow later. Here are some tips to know how to define them appropriately:

Alignment between marketing and sales objectives

To achieve objectives, it is essential that the company knows how to coordinate all the actions carried out within its marketing and sales departments. Its unification will allow all its efforts to be concentrated in the same direction, thus avoiding possible conflicts or conflicting interests.

When both departments are integrated through a sales funnel, that is, if communication between both is optimal and successful, it is easier and faster to identify which strategies are working and which are not. To do this, you must not only focus your efforts on marketing actions, but you must also ensure that in the attraction and conversion stages they lead the sales team to close sales. This coordination between both parties will result in greater speed and effectiveness in achieving objectives.

From the fusion of both teams, the Smarketing concept was born, a technique that helps achieve the organization’s objectives in an optimal way by viewing both departments as complementary

The importance of having the company’s sales and marketing objectives well defined

When setting goals, good management and planning of these provides numerous advantages to an entire organization. Among these advantages are:

  • They unify efforts: when clear business objectives are set, it is guaranteed that all departments of the company look in the same direction, generating greater participation, dedication and commitment from them. This union between all members of the company will allow the desired objectives to be achieved in a faster and less expensive way.
  • They define the necessary resources: planning the objectives guarantees a correct allocation of the available resources according to their characteristics. This will allow the development of tasks to be optimized and will allow us to be closer to achieving the desired purposes.
  • They eliminate uncertainty: correctly defined objectives must mark what, when and where. Through them, it would allow us to deduce the reason for the actions that are carried out to achieve the objectives.

Traditional Marketing Actions To Achieve Sales Objectives

  • Promotions, offers and discounts: these techniques serve to increase sales of both new products and existing ones that need to be replaced.
  • Attendance at fairs: it is a marketing classic that is used both to establish new business relationships and to retain existing customers. The only downside is that participation in these types of events is usually quite expensive.
  • Cross-selling: also known as cross-selling, this method consists of offering the customer complementary products to the one they initially purchased. It can be applied both online and offline.
  • Up-selling: consists of suggesting to the customer a product similar to the one they are interested in but that offers better features or greater value. In general, these are usually more expensive products (up-selling by price), but we can also offer a product that we consider better adapts to the customer’s needs (up-selling by value).

Online Marketing Actions To Achieve Business Objectives

  • Inbound marketing: this online marketing methodology is aimed at capturing leads or contacts that the sales department can work on at a commercial level. To do this, it relies on different techniques such as SEO positioning, content marketing, social media or web design.
  • Paid media: this involves making paid advertisements on online platforms such as search engines such as Google, social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter…) or different portals through display ads. This tactic is quite effective, although it can also be quite expensive depending on the sector in which you work.
  • Email marketing: it is about creating strategies by sending newsletters to achieve certain commercial objectives. Email marketing can be applied in all phases of the sales funnel (discovery, awareness, consideration and decision), as well as customer loyalty. Although it is also one of the techniques used in inbound marketing, it can be used as a strategy in itself.

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Search Engine Advertising Or SEA: Basic Concepts Of Search Engine Advertising Tue, 26 Mar 2024 10:52:57 +0000 Search Engine Advertising or SEA, is one of the two areas of action of SEM

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Search Engine Advertising or SEA, is one of the two areas of action of SEM or search engine marketing, as search engine advertising or search engine advertising. It is also common to find it as Keyword-Advertising or simply PPC, from the English Pay per Click, referring to the payment system used.

SEA strategies are responsible for advertising that appears in search results and on associated pages, as opposed to SEO, which seeks web optimization through content strategies. In any case, search engine advertising includes sponsored links that appear above, below or to the side of organic results, and not only on Google. Bing and Yahoo also offer this type of advertising and in all cases it represents an important source of income for search engines, if not the largest.

How Does SEA Work?

The principle of operation of search engine advertising is quite simple. Before publishing an ad in the most used search engines, keywords are defined that correspond to the search terms that Internet users use to reach this or other pages with a similar theme and that are relevant to the advertiser page. The set of keywords prepared is used to create the advertising texts and, finally, the price that the company is willing to pay for each click that users make is set. The ad is published if the bid placed exceeds the competition’s offers.

Most of an SEA specialist’s work takes place before and after a campaign. Previously, in addition to setting the budgets and defining the scope of the campaign, it is advisable to optimize the destination pages (landing pages in English), where the paid links will direct. Once the campaign has been launched, its performance will have to be assessed and, if necessary, the ads or bids must be optimized. Before a campaign obtains the desired result, several tests are often necessary to adapt the advertising text and limit the number of keywords.

What Expenses Does The SEA Entail?

In itself, inserting an ad in a search engine does not involve any expense. In this system, the advertiser only pays when an Internet user clicks on the ad that takes them to the advertiser’s landing page – thus showing their interest and the relationship with what they were looking for. This is what is called the pay-per-click or cost per click (CPC) system. The advertiser sets the price they are willing to pay in a real-time auction (Real Time Bidding), and the highest bid determines, along with other factors, which ads and in what order will appear in the results list.

Real Time Bidding: How To Bet For The Best Position?

Internet users’ searches are tracked by search engines, which study whether the ads correspond to the searched terms and to what extent they add value. In the case of commercial keywords with a high search rate, very promising, there are several ads that compete for the same position, which are valued and positioned in fractions of a second according to their relevance.

In addition to the advertiser’s bid, another decisive factor in offering the user relevant offers is quality. Both of these factors determine the ad rank, a value used to determine whether it will show and what its position will be on the results page. The higher this value is, the more likely it is to obtain a good position and, therefore, to gain the attention of Internet users. The formula below can be used to get this value:

Ad Rank = Max Click Bid x Quality Score

Bidding For CPC Ads

With the maximum bid per click, the advertiser sets the highest price they are willing to pay when a user clicks on their ad. The higher this bid, the more likely the ad is to appear high in the results list. Google guarantees great transparency regarding the costs of search engine advertising, since by establishing daily and monthly budgets, it is easy to define how much will be invested daily in SEA. Google positions ads in relevant searches until the previously set budget is exhausted.

A monthly budget of €3,000, for example, can be spread over 30 days if an expense of €100 per day is calculated. The number of ads that are actually inserted varies depending on the costs per click of each ad, since these range between a few cents and a few euros more per click depending on the pressure of the competition.

Google Quality Score

This quality factor aims to prevent only those advertisers who have a higher budget, but who do not necessarily offer valuable or relevant content, from ranking well. Along with the CPC, this criterion also allows the user to be taken into account when positioning an ad. Google pays attention to their behavior and their journey on the page and thus helps those SEA campaigns with useful content for the user to obtain a better ranking. Achieving success with a campaign exclusively with a high budget is, for this reason, not very common.

According to Google criteria, these are the decisive components in the ad ranking:

  • The expected CTR or Click through rate of your ad: This criterion is based on the frequency of impressions of the ad (how many times it was seen) and the number of clicks achieved, so that ads with a high click-through rate are considered more relevant.
  • The previous CTR of your display URL: Whether the ad URL has already managed to attract visitors. This URL does not have to be identical to the destination page.
  • The quality of your landing page , which depends on its relevance, its transparency and its ease of navigation
  • The relevance of the ad, which is favored if the title and advertising text are related to the search term or terms.

SEA Objectives

Search engine advertising allows advertisers to appear where the Internet user is looking for information, a product or a service, so that the advertisement is not perceived as an imposition out of context, but rather responds to a prior motivation of the user, which It can be a question or an intention.

The more similar the advertising text and the landing page are to this search, the less uncomfortable it is perceived, until, due to its thematic relevance, this advertising modality is even accepted by the user. For an advertiser, the SEA is, for all this, a highly effective instrument to gain traffic to its website, to position a brand (branding) and obtain conversions. These are, in conclusion, the objectives that companies mostly pursue when launching an SEA campaign:

Increase traffic to the website:

the main objective of search engine advertising is to obtain qualified visits, and in this the SEA can be of great help, especially in the case of young pages, for which achieving organic positioning can be a great help. Long-term effort. Paid advertising can be a quick way to secure a good place among the top results.

Promote brand awareness:

SEA is a very effective method to raise the visibility of a brand in relation to its competitors, so the objective of an SEA campaign should be to occupy the keywords of the sector or service being used. Offers with ads.

Generate conversions:

SEA is really profitable when sales or visits from potential customers, the so-called leads, increase. Google Ads allows companies to accurately track the conversions generated by a specific ad, that is, when an interested Internet user becomes a customer the moment they click on the ad.

Pros And Cons Of Search Engine Advertising

The advantages and disadvantages of SEA can be contrasted in this way:

Advantages of SEA

  • Quick visibility of campaign success
  • Possibility of monitoring and control
  • Wide range radius
  • Great acceptance
  • Transparent billing

Disadvantages of SEA

  • It involves a constant expense
  • External pressure in case of very competitive keywords

Companies intending to invest in search engine marketing strategies should carefully study to what extent an SEA campaign will bring them closer to their business objectives, and whether these objectives would not be better achieved with an appropriate SEO campaign. It is proven that Internet users prefer organic results: it is estimated that only between 10 and 20 percent of users click on ads. This is why search engine advertising cannot replace natural positioning. Rather, it is a way to complement a relevant marketing action, especially when a lot of traffic can be generated from competitive words, when the competition in organic results is very high or to attract immediate attention in the case of short-term offers.

As the objective is to achieve conversions, it is best to base it on search terms that already denote a purchase intention, such as, for example, “buy shoes” or “order shoes online”, terms that an online shoe store could use to fill that search with an advertisement for your offer.

When Is Search Engine Advertising Profitable?

The success of a SEA campaign is independent of the size of the company, since the only measures that determine the size of a campaign are the region where it is applied, the variety of products and the budget dedicated to it. It is recommended that small businesses insert advertising where they can really make a profit.

Furthermore, it is advisable to limit the campaign, first of all, to the main services or products. SEA has great potential for very specialized providers, since the price per click depends largely on the competition for a keyword. The so-called niche topics and long tail search terms are cheaper and more effective as they have a smaller specialized clientele – less competition – but very interested.

Also read : Blooket Join

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Digital Trends 2023 in Digital Marketing Fri, 20 Oct 2023 10:40:49 +0000 Digital Trends 2023; Nobody could have predicted where the year 2021 would take us: In

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Digital Trends 2023; Nobody could have predicted where the year 2021 would take us: In these last months where the COVID-19 pandemic continues, there has been more digital transformation than in the last decade. 

5G Will Finally Be Standardized

We’ve been hearing about the benefits of 5G for years, but it wasn’t until remote working, video conferencing and digital collaboration became mainstream parts of our lives this year that the need for reliable connectivity and more bandwidth became turned into a real and concrete benefit that we could all understand and appreciate. 5G is one of the TOP 2023 Digital Trends.

We have already seen an explosion of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) in recent months – and with good reason. Fragmented data from multiple sources can be notoriously difficult to organize, which is obviously not ideal for businesses that rely on timely and well-curated data to operate optimally, this is one of the 2023 digital trends that is well established as businesses already are requesting profiles with a Master in Big Data for their companies.

The hybrid cloud to power

We have known for a long time that companies are increasingly moving towards hybrid cloud infrastructure, without a doubt it is one of the digital trends for this 2023. From SaaS applications and on-premises solutions to a mix of public and private clouds, hybrid cloud strategies help organizations find the right balance for their unique cloud infrastructure needs.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are believed to be important to this digital trend as we will see the continued rise of attempts at nefarious activities that require more sophisticated tools and algorithms. This will prove to be a huge opportunity for the likes of Fortinet and Cisco in areas like firewalls and intrusion detection, as well as companies like Splunk and IBM for security identification and event management (SIEM). 

The data

Undoubtedly one of the 2023 digital trends is the disappearance of third-party cookies, advertisers will seek every opportunity to have a more direct relationship with consumers and this means having a customer data platform (CDP) that allows them to unify the user experience. Users will also be more open to sharing their data or allowing tracking as long as it adds value and allows them to have an enhanced experience.

Privacy and computing

Another approach to underpinning cybersecurity, particularly when it comes to communication and data privacy, is confidential computing. The idea of ​​confidential computing is to encrypt the entire computing process, not just the data, by creating additional layers of security around sensitive information. Google, Microsoft, IBM, Alibaba, and VMware are helping develop new protocols and best practices through the Confidential Computing Consortium .


This year, more and more brands will ensure that every point of contact with consumers is an opportunity to make a purchase. Digital trends in 2023 point to increasing investment in retail media and moving away from solely focusing on conversion goals, with major media players already offering commerce solutions. In addition, social networks will no longer be conceivable without social commerce, since influencers already influence purchases without leaving Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok, etc.

Freemium market in digital audio

Another of the 2023 digital trends is digital audio , the freemium market (users who consume advertising in exchange for a free service) will continue to grow. Also, with the rise of audio during and after the pandemic, brands are beginning to understand that they need to build their audio brand and integrate a 360º audio strategy (podcast, social audio, ads).

Branded content

Non – expendable tokens (NFTs) are set to become an integral part of branded content strategies. Based on the Ethereum blockchain technology (one of the largest cryptocurrencies in the world), NFTs allow any digital content to be tokenized with a certificate of authenticity that identifies them as unique, non-repeatable, and non-exchangeable digital assets.

Headless technology disrupts industries

People are making much more use of online shopping. Research shows that 86% of businesses say their customer acquisition costs have increased in the last 24 months. This means two things: The first is that organizations need to maximize the return on investment of their net costs of acquiring new customers. By going beyond the omnichannel experience to connect everything from warehouses to storefronts to online services, businesses in 2022 could be more efficient, more streamlined, and possibly catch up with competitors if they embrace it a little faster than them.


The phenomenon of the Facebook metaverse and other digital trends 2022, the versatility, the rapid adoption of NFTs, and the engagement of communities with their teams through FAN TOKENS, will offer great opportunities for brands.

Esports-endemic companies will be able to develop points of interaction with their communities and non-endemic brands will be able to engage in one-off or longer-term activations with these communities, offering exceptional brand experiences while introducing their values ​​and products to that territory and those products.

Another of the 2023 digital trends is to continue telecommuting . Even as economies slowly reopen and employees are finally allowed to return to work, businesses will continue to take it upon themselves to protect employees from potential outbreak resurgences. Many big tech companies like Google and Facebook have already extended their work-from-home policies to 2023. Even smaller companies are keeping this new flexibility as an operational option.

The coronavirus pandemic caught most companies off guard, but it also showed that you can continue to work effectively with remote employees, sometimes improving productivity and reducing operational costs. That is why the digital trend that will not be seen in 2023, is companies rushing to return to pre-COVID on-site work models.

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When And Why To Hire A Web Design Agency Fri, 06 Oct 2023 05:06:40 +0000 Web Design Agency : For an online business to be successful, it is essential to

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Web Design Agency : For an online business to be successful, it is essential to have a well-crafted website that functions flawlessly. In order to achieve this, many times we will have to resort to the experience of a web design agency.

Why Hire a Professional To Make Your Website

Taking care of the image of your company is a task that must be carried out at all levels, each space where we promote ourselves and expose what we offer must be attended to methodically, remember that the corporate image is perhaps the most valuable asset that a company has.

  • Have a site that works and attracts

By hiring the services of a professional, you greatly increase the probability of having a site that combines all the necessary aspects to be classified as creative, seductive, and functional.

  • Custom design

You must keep in mind that not all solutions work for all sites, having a news portal is not the same as having an online store. A professional can help you establish what type of website is best for your company and from there define a custom design.

  • Maintenance service

From time to time your website will need to be updated, improved or simply fixed.

It is important to define when is the best time to hire a designer, often due to advancing times or taking advantage of offers, we omit a correct analysis of all the variants that should be considered in said choice.

  • When you have defined goals

You must have very well-defined you must have your commercial and professional objectives, this will help you choose an agency that has the best disposition to achieve them. If you don’t know what you want to achieve, no one else will.

  • When you have a clear idea of ​​what you want

It is very important to have a clear idea of ​​what you want before you start developing your site. As a reference, you can analyze other company sites that offer similar services or products, and identify the elements that you like the most in that way. you can explain to the designer what you are looking for.

  • When you have researched the professionals available

It is common to make the mistake of going with the first design agency that crosses our path, often out of convenience, other times out of ignorance. This research will help you compare prices, delivery times, customer relations, attention to detail, and quality of your projects, among other things. That way there will be no unpleasant surprises when the final product is delivered.

Advantages Of Hiring a Web Design Agency

There are many advantages of hiring a web design agency to develop your site, a professional approach guarantees quality work, allowing you to focus on what is really important to you and your company.

  • A professional and optimized website

By resorting to the services of an agency, we are betting on obtaining a professional site in exchange, which is fully optimized to achieve the best possible positioning within search engines. 

  • Experienced Professionals

Experience is a very important factor to consider when making decisions. A web design agency is made up of people who in theory have the necessary experience to give recommendations on how to improve functionality and propose styles and designs.

  • Trends and the latest in the sector

A web design agency must always be at the forefront of trends, that way it can generate fresh proposals and ideas based on the latest technology.

  • Delegate

If you don’t have a lot of time to do the work, it’s best to go to a professional who has the necessary knowledge to carry out the project. 

  • Website quality

Having the support of a design agency will give you the peace of mind of having a service that cares about the details and that effectively meets your requirements. Therefore you should always expect quality work.

  • Immediacy

By hiring an agency, launch times are drastically reduced, since it will be focused on the development of your site, while if you did it yourself, you would be running from one place to another with a thousand things pending.

Choosing an agency to develop your project is making an investment, since thanks to their knowledge, quality work will be produced that will encourage the loyalty of your users and in the long run, will generate profits.

  • Your portfolio

To really understand the level of work you can expect when hiring someone, you need to look at their portfolio. It shows examples of sites that he has created or helped to make, and thanks to this exposure, it will be much easier for you to define if it really meets the requirements you are looking for.

  • Your knowledge of SEO, SEM, and online marketing

It is very important to hire professionals who have the necessary knowledge so that they can optimize your website, allowing your business to appear in the first positions of search engines since in current times this is essential to succeed.

Customer Service

When choosing an agency, it is important to consider the good disposition that it has with its clients, for this reason, it is important to analyze the way in which it attends to them and how it addresses their problems.


There are several reasons that you should consider before hiring a web design agency, however, in general terms, I think it is a very good option when you have little or no technical knowledge, and you have little time to dedicate to designing your own website.

Don’t hesitate to contact a web design agency if you’re looking to improve your site’s performance, usability, and user experience, or make some sort of radical change.

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How To Do E-Mail Marketing In Your Ecommerce Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:20:19 +0000 E-Mail Marketing In Your Ecommerce : When we talk about email marketing, online stores often

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E-Mail Marketing In Your Ecommerce : When we talk about email marketing, online stores often have doubts about the benefits of sending emails to their customers, or they don’t know how to follow an email strategy or gain subscribers, among other things.

Whatever the option, in this article we want to explain why email messages should be included in any marketing strategy for an ecommerce.

What Is Email Marketing In An Online Business?

Email marketing is a powerful tool within the digital marketing ecosystem. Its power lies in the fact that it is a direct connection between companies and customers, without intermediaries, and without third-party platforms or advertisements that divert the attention of the public from the messages. 

Therefore, it is one of the best tools to retain your customers and keep them always up to date with your news and promotions.

Why Do You Need Email Marketing In Your ecommerce?

There are many reasons why you need to use email marketing in your online business. Therefore, to demonstrate the great impact that email campaigns have, below, we detail some of the most illustrative statistical data on the performance of email campaigns.

As already mentioned, email has the best ROI . But what is ROI? . It is the return on investment, a metric to know the benefits that an ecommerce obtains from the digital marketing actions it carries out. Email is the 3rd most influential source of information for the B2B public, it is only ahead of the recommendations of acquaintances and prominent famous people in each sector. Wordstream font. Likewise, Kinsta states that 87% of B2B marketers use newsletters as a distribution channel.

6 Tips For Your Email Marketing Campaign

It is essential that the emails you send to your audience are personalized. There are no excuses, there are many tools and options for your customers to feel that you are addressing them personally with each of the emails you send them.

Use the data you have about your audience from the forms to design a personalization strategy. Or think about what data could allow you to generate a more personal experience with your users, and try to achieve it. Once you have drawn up a plan and you are collecting the correct information, you can start with your campaign. In addition, we recommend that you try to increase the email databases, because that way you will have much more reach, you will really see the results of your campaigns and the segmentation will be larger and more effective.

Responsive is not an option

Your designs must be adapted to all mobile devices, since, as we have already mentioned, there is a high percentage of email openings from smartphones , and the trend is upward. So this is no longer an option, it is an imposition.

For example, keep in mind basic aspects such as structuring the content of your message in a single column to improve mobile reading. And of course, the template of your newsletter is responsive.

Responsive emails

Segment your list, your open rate and conversion rate depend on it

According to data from Mailchimp, segmented email marketing campaigns get almost 15% more opens and, according to statistics carried out by HubSpot in 2020, almost 30% of marketers use segmentation as a tool to increase user interaction with your newsletters.

Segmenting your list will allow you to generate campaigns focused on the specific interests of your users. This way you can offer them relevant and useful information developed specifically for that segment. If you continue to send information that does not contribute anything to your users, it is quite likely that they will unsubscribe or that your emails end up in the spam folder. Also, if you want to prevent your emails from ending up in that folder, you should also learn how to avoid anti-spam filters in email marketing.

Include a video strategy in your campaign

To give you an idea, adding videos to your emails can increase the click-through rate of your users by up to 300% (Source:  Martech Advisor ).

Videos are a simple and attractive way to share your message. One of the advantages that they allow is that most users retain more information when watching a video than reading.

In addition to the creativity to generate a video from your content (webinar, tutorials, storytelling, etc.), you will have to analyze what works best for you when including the video in your newsletter: link, embedded video, etc.

Loyalty to your customers

We have already discussed the wonders of email marketing, now it’s your turn to use it wisely within your loyalty strategy .

The goal should be to maximize the lifetime of your customer , so you should be very clear about the journey to purchase and support the moments in which it can be decisive with email marketing. For that, you must know perfectly aspects such as the seasonality of your sector or the need that your product covers, in addition to intelligently managing the differentiating element that makes them choose you over the competition.

For example, anticipate the needs of your customers by reminding them that you are there. Keep them up to date with new products, changes in service, improvements in customer service, etc. Inform them with useful suggestions and relate them to what your company can do for them.

Best Newsletter Software

Currently, there are various programs to create newsletters , both free and paid, so you can choose the one that best suits the needs of your company. The good thing about managing campaigns through this software is that, in addition to wasting much less time than doing it manually, you will be able to obtain real analytics on the opening of emails and the traffic and clicks to your website, among other things.

  • MailChimp: 

This free newsletter software stands out for being very intuitive, as it makes designing emails a simple task with which to obtain professional results. As for the analytics, it offers information on the interest aroused by the campaigns sent; opening data and, the clicks that have been converted into purchases. The free subscription allows you to send up to 12,000 emails per month and add up to 2,000 users to the database, so there are payment plans for those who need more features.

  • MailJet: 

this tool, in addition to preparing and sending newsletters, is used to create transactional emails and SMS. It also provides basic message opening data , which will allow you to obtain information and optimize your marketing strategy. This software also has a payment plan, with which you can access much more specific analytics than in the case of the free one.


is a marketing automation tool that, in addition to email campaigns, allows you to create other types such as SMS, push, and retargeting to enhance your strategies. Likewise, it creates highly personalized shopping experiences thanks to the fact that it builds the Customer Journey in real time through the use of AI.


the program includes responsive templates with which to create newsletters quickly and easily, simply by making some customizations to adapt them to the company. Like the previous ones, it has a free plan and a paid plan, so depending on the needs of each company, you can choose one or the other.


It has an intuitive editor that also includes responsive templates. It allows you to have up to 250 subscribers and send a maximum of 2,000 emails per month. As for the statistics, they do not provide too much data in their free version, but they have different payment rates so that each ecommerce pays based on what they need from the tool.


It has a personalized support service, that is, an expert in digital marketing strategies helps companies that use the software both in defining the strategy and sending newsletters to their subsequent analysis. In addition, it has another new functionality called Smart Templates, with which 12 templates are automatically obtained with the visual identity indicated by the brand, simply inserting the web link and the program takes care of the rest. It has a free trial version of 30 days with 500 emails and 10 SMS as a gift, and later it begins to be paid, offering various rates.

One of the first things to work on when creating an email is the subject, as it will be the first thing that encourages customers to click on the email to open it. Create subjects that add curiosity, to give the impression to users that they cannot miss what you want to tell them.

If inside the newsletter you want to offer information to customers, such as about special offers, what you should do is write a short and concise text, oriented to the message you want to communicate, as well as use an attractive design that accompanies the text. . Of course, it should always be responsible for all kinds of devices and inboxes. Do not forget the call to action (CTA) button, which must be integrated with the content.

Another good way to design campaigns that can be very useful is to use segmentation in the structure of the email itself. In the following case, the campaign is carried out for database users who seem to be interested in running products: purchase history, and activity on the company website… and it is divided between men and women, so that each user goes directly to the category of products that interest you.

Segmented Email Marketing Campaign

Regarding transactional emails, which are the ones that are sent to customers as confirmation that they have made a purchase, have registered in our e-commerce or have reset their password, they must include all the information of the action that has been carried out. the client, but always taking into account the design and brand image of the online store.

  • Transactional email

This example represents how a remarketing strategy works. On many ecommerce, if you perform a search, but do not end up buying or booking, it is most likely that you will receive an email of this type. These emails usually include elements that will try to convince you to complete the transaction, such as discounts for your next reservation or purchase. This type of email marketing is very effective.

  • Newsletter remarketing campaign

The following email not only seeks to sell but also to generate interactions and for users to communicate with the brand, something essential to bring users closer and maintain a more active relationship.

Also Read : Controversial Advertising Campaigns

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Best Email Marketing Tools Wed, 23 Aug 2023 05:18:47 +0000 Best Email Marketing Tools : Choosing between all the email marketing tools can be difficult,

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Best Email Marketing Tools : Choosing between all the email marketing tools can be difficult, as the right tool could significantly improve the performance of your email marketing campaigns. 

What Is Called An Email Marketing Tool?

In a nutshell, this is software that helps you achieve your email marketing goals. With an email marketing service, you can effectively manage and control your strategy to connect with your audience via email.

As your email list grows, it can be difficult to send thousands of messages daily. However, the right tool can simplify the process and help you stay productive.

Why Is It Important To Choose One Of The Email Marketing Tools?

According to Marketing Charts, 82% of marketers around the world say email marketing is their top strategy for increasing leads and conversion rates. That doesn’t mean that other strategies are less important: it’s just that email marketing stood out the most.

So, considering the opportunity that email marketing offers, choosing the right tool can be a complete game changer.

The Best Email Marketing Tools

Most of the email marketing tools are paid, except MailChimp, MailerLite, and SendInBlue, which have free plans. However, most services have a free trial, so you could take a look at how a tool could help you in your work.

If you are worried about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we tell you that there is nothing to worry about. All these tools comply with this regulation.

1. MailChimp

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools, used by millions of businesses to send emails on a daily basis.

It’s more than just an email marketing tool: MailChimp prides itself on being a personal “think tank” for its customers. This means that you will get complete information based on the data of your campaigns and receive personalized advice for your next strategies.

But this does not end here. You can also set up Google , Facebook , and Instagram remarketing ads pretty quickly.

2. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is one of the best email marketing tools that has been around for 20 years. This software only offers premium plans, email (basic), and email plus (advanced), with a 30-day free trial.

This email marketing service can also help online stores to sell their products. Keep your customers engaged by giving them recommendations for products or services they might be interested in.


GetResponse, one of the most used email marketing tools, claims to have a deliverability of 99% and offers an all-in-one marketing machine. This software offers a 30-day free trial.

The service has a drag-and-drop template editor, to help you design and customize newsletters, landing pages, and various marketing elements. GetResponse provides over 500 pre-built and custom templates. In addition, it has a gallery of 5,000 images licensed from Shutterstock .


Drip, one of the fastest growing email marketing tools, is the first e-commerce customer relationship management (ECRM) service.

Drip’s ECRM is about bringing you closer to your customers. The service is capable of handling millions of data sets and outperforms conventional CRM solutions.

5. Mailify

Mailify is one of the most complete email marketing, SMS, and marketing automation tools on the European market. It is a visually attractive and very intuitive software to navigate.

This platform is exclusively designed so that the customer experience is very comfortable and satisfactory in all the smart features it offers: Predictive shipping, Eye tracking, Heatmap, among others. Likewise, it efficiently executes and plans communications between companies and clients so that the sending of your newsletters reaches the inbox.


ConvertKit prides itself on being software created by and for creators. This email marketing service offers a simple user interface and has only the most important features for email marketing.

Gather the list of your subscribers by creating forms and Landing Pages. You can choose templates from the gallery or create one simply by dragging and dropping elements onto the form.

7. A. Weber

Aweber is one of the oldest email marketing tools in the industry. It is best suited for small and medium-sized businesses.

There are many features to running your email marketing campaign. To get started, bring your customers together using their form builder, with hundreds of pre-designed templates.

8. Keap

Keap, a company behind the all-in-one CRM software, Infusionsoft, focuses its email marketing on professional service providers.

It is one of the email marketing tools that will help you organize yourself better and be more efficient in communicating with your customers. Get all the tools you need to handle email tracking, customer records, and payment collection.

9. Active Campaign

ActiveCampaign is one of the all-in-one email marketing tools with advanced features. However, the features are somewhat limited if you use the lite plan.

With the lite plan of this email marketing tool, you can only use the online signup forms to collect contacts. You can also add additional fields to capture more contact information and segment them.

10. Mailer Lite

MailerLite is one of the most powerful email marketing tools with many easy to use features.

Start growing your contact list with MailerLite’s landing page designer. You can use professionally created templates or design your own using the drag and drop builder.


Wow, it was long but it was worth it. You have learned about many email marketing tools that can help you achieve your goals.

Basically, there are four main features that can be expected from email marketing services. The creation of forms to build your list, the ability to create compelling and responsive email content, automate the entire process to stay productive, and lastly, the insights and reporting features to help you adjust and change your strategies.

To further boost and optimize your conversions, you can also use OptinMonster . A popular lead generation tool that also integrates well with most of the email marketing tools on this list.

The post Best Email Marketing Tools appeared first on Web Snipers.

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