Which Is The Best Messaging App? Telegram Or WhatsApp!

The most popular according to the Play Store is WhatsApp, and in second place is Telegram, both applications are free and are dedicated to communication through text chat, although they have been incorporating some extra functions to make them much more complete if possible. Let’s Compare these applications.
Each of these apps has a peculiarity that makes us use this app, but if we stick with the messaging apps that were exclusively born for this, we have the veteran WhatsApp and the heir to the throne Telegram, let’s see what these apps look like and what differentiate one from another to opt for the use of one or the other if you want to know everything about Telegram we will tell you in this guide.
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WhatsApp Messenger
WhatsApp already has its years, it was born in 2009 for iOS and BlackBerry and in 2010 it was launched for Android, its name came to mix the meaning of something like What’s up? (What’s up?) Mixed with the acronym application app (application in English) and gave rise to its name WhatsApp.
The main difference in its launch with the messaging applications of the time, such as MSN Messenger or AOL, is that it was integrated with the agenda of our device allowing communication with other users who had the application installed, without the need to add users to your list as with the rest.
For this, it is necessary to register our phone number in the application, allowing a single user per phone number, although if you have another number you can clone the application to have two accounts.
WhatsApp has been characterized as a simple and straightforward application to the point, instant messaging, but given the appearance of multiple applications that had the same purpose, in the end, and after a long period, it has been modernized by adding other functions and features. Let’s see the most important ones and how they have improved.
A novelty that WhatsApp incorporated in 2013 was voice messages, it is very boring to walk and write at the same time, we have all seen memes of bumps and falls for this, also mobile data was on the rise and
WhatsApp decided to incorporate voice messages Instead of writing, you could (and can) record your message and send it to a recipient or group so that they can listen to it instead of having to read it, something that caught on and continues to be liked by younger users of the app.
Other lesser-known functions are WhatsApp Business for small and medium companies and WhatsApp enterprise solution for user support for large companies.
The telegram was born a few years later, in August 2013, developed by Nikolai and Pável Dúrov, it is an application-oriented to instant messaging but, like WhatsApp, it has been incorporating some extra functions to make it much more complete and friendly when writing. with other people.
This application stands out with respect to WhatsApp in that it is based on the cloud, any change we make is reflected in all the sessions that we have started, although it is necessary to use our phone number to register,
then we can log in as many times as we want to authenticate with a code that arrives as a message to the Telegram application itself, this is a great advantage over WhatsApp since we can use the application on any device, we will have everything without the need to restore copies.
Like WhatsApp, if you have another phone number you can clone the app and have another account, ideal if we have one for work and another for personal use, so we can have each one open several times.
But unlike WhatsApp, Telegram began its journey with stricter security protocols, using a 256-bit AES encryption system since its inception, providing extra security and privacy to users that its rival took to implement. It was also the first to incorporate the option to send all types of files in addition to photos or videos.
As we have seen, Telegram offers security and privacy since its inception and has been improving over the years.
Another of the great advantages of Telegram with respect to any other messaging app is the possibility of creating bots, or the possibility of using the integrated commands, if we want to search and add a photo we will only have to write “@pic description” wherein the description
Continuing with security and privacy, where it stands out notably, you can choose who can see your profile image and the last connection time, you can also choose who can add you to channels and groups or
if they can access your user by forwarding messages from you and another person. In Telegram, you will also not need to share your phone number to talk with other users, since when you register it gives you the option to identify yourself with an alias type @aliasusuario that you can share with whoever you want to talk to or to be added to groups.
Telegram also has a client through the web, you can connect to web.telegram.org and authenticate with your phone, code, and password if you have one to access and chat with anyone thanks to its cloud-based service that you will have everything as And as you had it in another client, without depending on your mobile application.
Which Is Better?
It is true that Telegram does not reach 2,000 million active users, but every day it collects more users and more and more people add a Telegram account to their messaging services, either by hearing from other friends or acquaintances or taking advantage of the crashes of other messaging applications.
And it is that for many reasons we have a clear winner, Telegram has advanced functions in many of its aspects, especially in the security and privacy section, in addition to being a pioneer in many other functions that
WhatsApp has been incorporating little by copying from Telegram, like the user-to-user encryption, something very necessary to protect the privacy of the user from the start of a messaging application.
The creation of channels with more than 256 users, the stickers animated by groups, the integrated options of photo chatbots, YouTube or gifs (@gif)
or the creation of your own chatbots, the option of having a personal cloud and not depend on a backup, advanced user management (if you are an administrator) of channels and groups, and especially by its cloud-based system to do without copies or not worry about data loss make Telegram an (almost) perfect client for your daily conversations.