Why You Should Have A Linkedin Profile?

Linkedin is dire need in todays business world. Surely you already have a Facebook profile, and it is possible that you also have a Twitter account, although it may also be that you are one of those who does not want to know anything about social networks.
Even if this is your case, there is a social network that you cannot afford to do without. We are talking about LinkedIn and in this article we are going to give you 5 reasons to convince you of the importance of having and maintaining a profile on this network, whether you are a fan of social media or not .
First of all, a fundamental question, do you know what LinkedIn is?
LinkedIn is the largest professional social network in the world. It currently boasts of having more than 300 million professional profiles. At first glance, it could be said that it is the most popular place to have your CV online, but if that were our only argument, we would fall short.
LinkedIn offers much more than just a profile with your resume. It is a tool that allows you to have your own professional microsite , where you can capture the best of yourself in real time, both in terms of training and experience, and where you can be in contact with people in your environment and professional interests.
We detail the 5 main reasons why it is worth having a LinkedIn profile:
Table of Contents
1. It Gives You a Professional Image On The Internet
Who has not searched for someone on the Internet? Or better yet, who hasn’t googled their own name at some point?
It is increasingly difficult to keep your image off the Internet. Google indexes practically everything that is posted publicly on the web, so having under control at least part of what is said about you on the Internet is highly recommended.
LinkedIn offers you a personal space where you can have a serious and professional presentation of yourself. It allows anyone who searches for you on Google to find something about you that you want them to find and that you also have under control.
2. It Offers You A Way To Maintain Professional Contact
You meet an ex-coworker, a classmate or an acquaintance who works in a company with whom it is convenient to keep in touch. Are you going to add them to Facebook? Are you going to follow them on Twitter? You may not be related or trusted enough to make your comments and private life available to them on Facebook.
LinkedIn is the perfect place to have all your contacts and acquaintances with whom you have a professional relationship in one place and to be able to interact with them without invading their privacy.
3. It Helps You Find Work And Get Opportunities
If you are looking for a job, a good LinkedIn profile can help you give a fresh and up-to-date image that the traditional resume may not give you. It is an ideal complement to the CV.
Also, remember that everyone searches the Internet, and recruiters, interviewers and bosses Even more. Have an up-to-date profile on LinkedIn and make it easy for them to find and see the best in you. Since they will still look for you, isn’t it better that they find what you want to teach?
In addition, with LinkedIn, through the network of contacts that you generate, you get to have connections with other very interesting people, companies and groups, which can help you in your job search and keep up to date with the applications offered by companies.
If you are one of those who think that “if I already have a job, why do I want LinkedIn”, we advise you to have a LinkedIn profile so that other contacts can find you, and who knows? Maybe you will come across groups, companies or new contacts that can open up a new range of opportunities in your working life or improve your network of contacts in your current position.
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4. It Keeps You Up to Date With The Latest News In Your Sector
LinkedIn offers you a feed of news and posts not only from your contacts, but also from companies or discussion groups that interest you. Exchange information and discuss current affairs with your network of contacts and improve your professional reputation.
LinkedIn is an excellent source of information on trends and current events in your sector. Get the inspiration and information you need to improve and excel at your work. Keeping up to date with what is “cooking” in the sector has never been as easy as in the 2.0 era.
5. It Helps You Enrich Your Knowledge And Your Training
LinkedIn offers endless free workgroups and training groups where you can collaborate, brainstorm, and share knowledge. Simply choose the groups in which you are interested in the topic being discussed to follow them and learn from them and interact.
Or create your own group and start the conversation topic you’d like to discuss. You will be surprised with the reach and level of interaction that you can achieve.