All You Know About Emotional Marketing

We’re sharing our views on Emotional Marketing in the article. We are in a time of great changes, where the maxim is to try to predict what is going to happen in the future, find out what the latest trends in the market will be or what the behavior and desires of consumers will be.
We spend most of our time waiting for changes to happen so we can adapt quickly while there are brands that instead of trying to predict what is going to happen, they create the future. If we all follow the trend, who leads? The great challenge for brands is that if we don’t get involved in the future, others will come and build it.
We can find three types of brands :
- Those who are reluctant to change, who stand still while the world changes around them. They are those whose philosophy is “if I have always done things like this and it has gone well for me, why change?”
- Then there are the brands that wait to see how the market evolves and then imitate their competitors. They are always one step behind. They prefer not to risk.
- Finally, there are those innovative brands, eager for change, those that create the rules of the game and fight to be the first.
The Internet era has modified the behavior of the consumer’s purchase decision. Users spend more time learning about the products they need and comparing products, but the sales process has been shortened.
The interconnection of objects, services and people through digital networks increases every day. Nowadays, time is synonymous with immediacy . Everything is connected. The Internet has made distances disappear and people are just one click away from all the information. Every day we are bombarded with millions of campaigns through different media, so capturing the attention of users is a very important issue for brands today, but how can we connect with our audience?
Users are struck by certain messages such as “the cheapest”, “the best”, “the most resistant”, “unique” but is it enough? It is no longer enough for consumers to remember the brand name or what their slogan is or what products/services they offer. It is evident that the battle for prices will always continue, but there comes a point where lowering the price further is unfeasible, so brands must connect with their consumers through the senses, that is, they must generate emotional bonds that help create positive experiences . Through experiences we live sensations and feel emotions. the emotions. They are the ones that drive you to buy. On many occasions our purchases are based on emotions, influenced by subconscious emotional factors that we ignore. Did you know that more than 80% of purchases are made on impulse?
It is important to have a good emotional marketing strategy that makes us feel the brand is ours. If the brand manages to generate that feeling, it will get the user to help grow the brand. For this we must:
- Find out the personality, needs and desires of our clients and potential clients.
- Assign a list of emotions to our product/service.
- Create a communication strategy where a set of key words and/or phrases are specified that create emotions and feelings in users, taking into account aspects such as experience, sensations and emotions.
- Remember that customers are more than just consumers. They are people who like to live a positive experience and experience sensations when buying a product or consuming a service. Therefore, it is not about covering only their needs, but rather we must offer them “something more”, an added value. The goal is to create a 360º brand experience. We have to fall in love, excite and attract our audience so that they see us as a lovemark .
- Gain the trust of our consumers, make them have our brand as loyal in their minds. In this way we will be able to retain them and generate a real and lasting connection with them.
- Create a brand identity. To do this, we will have to build a distinctive personality, in this way we will be able to generate an almost immediate emotional response.
- That our brand is on everyone’s lips, either positively or negatively while it is being talked about, is useless. By creating positive experiences, personalized and exclusive treatment for each client, we will get them to speak well of us.
The application of different techniques in the field of neuromarketing makes it possible to study what happens in the minds of consumers when they opt for a specific service or product. Thus, companies can create and adapt their offer more efficiently and investigate what motivates the user at the time of making a purchase.
We must put people back at the center of our strategy. It is important to create a brand-customer relationship . In order for the client to know the brand well, it is essential that the brand knows its clients well, to send them the message in a deeper and more direct way and to be able to obtain a commitment from the users. Customers are increasingly demanding and it is not enough to attract new customers, but you have to know how to keep current ones, treat them differently and reward them for their loyalty.
At this time, where there is immense competition, it is important to have a well-defined marketing and branding strategy. And for this we must be clear about who we are, what we want to be and how we want to be remembered.
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